Informations Administratives
COMMISSION, BRUXELLES+ Bureaux dans l'Union


Note to all staff members
Notice of election

The following election notice has been issued by the Electoral Office, the members of which are listed in Annex I, in accordance with Article 5 of the Procedure for election of the Brussels Local Staff Committee, confirmed by the general meeting on 19 January 1999.
  1. Date, time and place of elections

    Following the cancellation by the Commission on 29 September of the Brussels Local Staff Committee elections held on 9, 10 and 11 March and in accordance with the decision of 5 October of the Director-General for Personnel and Administration, the Electoral Office has set the date of the elections for 30 November, 1 and 2 December 1999. The opening times of the polling stations are set out in Annex 2. If the quorum has not been reached after these three days, the electoral period will automatically be extended by ten working days, from 3 to 16 December (Article 14(d) of the Procedure for election)

    Electors may vote only once; otherwise their vote will be void.

    The provisional list of the polling stations is given in Annex 2. Some buildings will be served by a mobile polling station. The times when this polling station will be present will be announced in due course.

    Should it be necessary to extend the voting period by ten working days, four fixed polling stations and one mobile station will be opened. Staff will be informed later where these will be located.

    For other places of employment represented by the Brussels Local Staff Committee, the deadline by which postal votes must reach the President of the Electoral Office is 17.30 on 2 December (Article 14(c)).

  2. Entitlement to vote

    The electors concerned are:

    - those serving in Brussels
    - those serving in places in a Member State other than Brussels but not in one of the following places: Luxembourg, Ispra, Karlsruhe, Geel, Petten, Culham, Seville and France.

    The electoral roll was put on display in all Commission buildings in Brussels on 8 October and it has been brought to the notice of officials and other staff employed outside Brussels. Any objections must be lodged not later than 20 October; the electoral roll will be deemed final on expiry of the time limit for the response of the Director-General to objections, i.e. 25 October 1999.

    Only those electors included in the electoral roll will be entitled to vote.
  3. Voting procedure

    Votes must be cast as follows:

    a) either by voting for a list: a cross must be placed in the box beneath the number and the abbreviation of the list chosen (block-list vote);
    b) or by voting for a maximum of 27 candidates for full membership and alternate membership, chosen from one or more lists: a cross must be placed in the box opposite the name of each candidate chosen, up to a maximum of 27 candidates (preference vote).

    Ballot papers bearing both a cross against a list and further crosses against the names of candidates on the same list will be treated as preference votes by the Electoral Office.

    Ballot papers bearing any other writing, signature, erasure or mark whatsoever will be declared void.

    Votes may not be cast by telephone, fax, electronic mail or any other electronic means.
  4. Postal voting

    Early voting

    Electors in Brussels who for some reason (mission, leave) expect to be unable to vote at a polling station on 30 November, 1 and 2 December may, on presentation of their staff card between 15 and 26 November (09.00 to 17.30), obtain a ballot paper from the Electoral Office (RP-3 6/1 - Tel. 66443/66552, R400: DG9-BXL Bureau électoral). They must complete this ballot paper immediately and place it in the ballot box provided.

    Postal votes

    a) Electors serving outside Brussels who are represented by the Brussels Local Staff Committee will each receive an individual ballot paper. The completed ballot paper (see 5 below) must reach the Electoral Office, RP3-6/1, 200 rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels, no later than 17.30 on 2 December.

    b) Electors in Brussels who are unable to vote on 30 November, 1 and 2 December (for reasons of sickness) may ask for a ballot paper to be sent to them. The completed ballot paper (see 5 below) must reach the Electoral Office, RP3-6/1, 200 rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels, (Tel. 296.64.43/296.65.52, - R400: DG9-BXL Bureau électoral) no later than 17.30 on 2 December.
  5. Postal voting procedure

    Postal votes must be sent inside three envelopes.
    - The inner envelope must contain the ballot paper and be unmarked.
    - The second envelope must bear the personnel number, name and signature of the elector.
    - The outer envelope must bear the name and address of the President of the Electoral Office: Mr Didier HESPEL, RP3-6/1, 200 rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels.
  6. Nomination of candidates

    In accordance with the decision of 5 October 1999 of the Director-General for Personnel and Administration, new nominations may be included in the lists submitted on 4 February; changes must be notified in writing to the Electoral Office (RP3-6/1, 200 rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels) no later than 17.30 on 28 October.

    New candidates' personnel numbers must appear on their nominations.

    No candidate may be nominated on more than one list.

    Each list amendment must bear the signature of the candidate for full membership whose name appears first on the list. For the purpose of checking nominations (Article 7 of the Procedure for election), the Electoral Office requires that each new nomination be accompanied by a declaration of acceptance from each candidate for full or alternate membership.

    For the Electoral Office
    Didier Hespel

Composition of the Electoral Office

PresidentMr Didier HESPELRP3-6/3Tel. 66443
Vice-PresidentsMs Marilena DAMO
Mr Jean-Philippe RAOULT
SecretaryMr José A. LUISRP3-6/5Tel. 66449
AssessorsMs Anja EK

The Office will be open each working day non-stop between 09.00 and 17.30 until the end of the elections.
Secretariat ..RP3-6/1Tel. 66552
Mr Dominique DE YORKRP3-6/1Tel. 66453
Fax: 299.36.11
R400: DG9-BXL Bureau électoral

Provisional list of polling stations

Arlon 88
Belliard 7
Belliard 28
Breydel II
Beaulieu 5
Beaulieu 29
Charlemagne (entrance)
Charlemagne (restaurant)
Cortenberg 1
Cortenberg 150
Demot 24
Genève 1
Genève 12
Joseph II 27
Joseph II 99
Loi 130 (entrance)
Loi 102 (restaurant entrance)
Loi 86
Montoyer 34
Montoyer 75
Nerviens 85
Science 15
Science 27 (cafeteria)

Mobile polling station

The polling stations will be open from 09.00 to 17.30, apart from those situated near cafeterias and restaurants, the opening hours of which will depend on the opening hours of these facilities.

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 18/10/1999 13:34:44, dernière modification le 19/10/1999 15:40:17